FREE Online Introduction to Transformational Breath® with Nathalie Montille – Senior Trainer

A FREE online introduction to the full potential of Transformational Breath® with a full 30-minute online session. Led by Nathalie Montille, a Senior Trainer with over 20 years' experience of Transformational Breath®

How deep is your breath?

Did you know that your breath tells your story?

Years of stress, fear and modern life have restricted or even shut down our breathing. Our subconscious defence mechanisms suppress unpleasant emotions, creating these restricted breathing patterns. This, in turn, prevents vital oxygen from fuelling the body. These unexpressed feelings are stored in the mind and body as chronic tension and are eventually expressed as pain and dis-ease.

On this 2.5 hour workshop you will:

  • learn how to use your own breath to set yourself free from those repressed emotions that sabotage your life, your health and your happiness
  • experience a full 30-minute Transformational Breath® session
  • acquire a tool that you can use every day to keep opening your respiratory system
  • receive information on how you can continue exploring your breath with this work if you so wish

Come join us to experience the power of this work for yourself.

The workshop will be led by Nathalie Montille, a Senior Trainer with over 20 years’ experience of Transformational Breath®

This free online workshop is open to everyone.

Free introduction

Event Details

  • Date: 18/05/2022
  • Times: 18:30 - 21:00
  • Location: online
  • Duration: 2h30

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