Vincent OlooCertified to run online sessions

It is my belief that when I care for myself, love myself and stay in my power, I give others permission to do the same without changing who I am. The way I do this is to stay in my breath. I use conscious breathing to transform the consciousness of the world, one person at a time.


Areas Covered
Vincent has been working with the conscious breath and energy healing modalities for approximately 20 years. He is currently based in Kenya and travels the world to teach breathwork. He has been working in the UK since 2017 leading seminars and levels 4A and 4B. He also works across East African countries eg Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. Vincent is currently the National Representative of Kenya at the International Breathwork Foundation (IBF) since 2014 and is the organiser for the Global Inspiration Conference (GIC) 2023 in Kenya.
"To fall in Love with yourself is the first secret to happiness"
Robert Morely
Vincent Oloo is a certified Transformational Breath senior trainer, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) master, Certified family and systemic constellations practitioner and a life coach.
9 June 2025
Seminar (Levels 1-3), An all inclusive residential week with senior trainer, Vincent Oloo

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20 October 2025
Seminar (Levels 1-3), fully inclusive residential course with senior trainer, Vincent Oloo

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