Transformational Breath® and Sacred Voice

Giving voice to our feelings and speaking our truth - a whole day workshop

Transformational Breath is a heart centred practice – it encourages, that is, gives heart courage to the practitioner. In this day of Transformational Breath and Sacred Voice, during which we will be looking at the toning and vocal sound which forms part of this profound modality, we will be playing with sound as a way to move energy in the body, as well as a unique form of self-expression. We will be finding a way to give voice to feeling and to speak our truth. There will be two full breath sessions in this day.

This is open to beginners but you’ll get even more out of it if you’ve come to an Introduction first. And of course there is absolutely no requirement to be a “singer”. For more information and to book contact [email protected]

Event Details

  • Date: 28/10/2018
  • Times: 10.00 am - 4.30 pm
  • Location: The Crescent Theatre, 20 Sheepcote Street, Brindley Place, Birmingham B16 8AE
  • Duration: 1 day

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