Transformational Breath ® Introductory WorkShop in Haywards Heath 26th June 2022
Expand your Breath, Expand your potential.. With this simple, natural yet powerful breathing technique.
Transformational Breath ® 2.5 hour Introductory WorkShop
26th June 2022 in HayWards Heath East Sussex 12:30 to 3 pm
Expand your Breath and Expand your Potential
‘For Breath is life, and if you breath well..you will live long on earth’
Sanskrit Proverb
Breathing, easy right?
It sounds like it hardly needs an explanation, we do it around 24,000 times a day and it occurs with rarely a second thought. The interesting thing about our breathing is the fact that it is one of the few functions that is both conscious and unconscious.
Feel into your breathing now..is it fast, is it shallow? Is there a pause somewhere?
In fact, our breathing is as unique as our finger print..and it can reveal much about how we live our lives. This is because we change our breathing pattern to help us navigate daily stresses, life challenges and traumatic events throughout our life. For instance, we may hold our breath when stressed or anxious, or perhaps those repetitive sighs we hear ourselves taking..they’re all signs of an unhelpful breathing pattern.
Place a hand on your belly and the chest? Where is your breath right now?
When we breathe into our chest, we tend to stimulate our sympathetic nervous system or ‘fight or flight response’. Over time this can become our default breathing pattern.
Chronic stimulation of ‘fight or flight’ stress hormones can affect our mood, sleep, digestion, disrupt hormone regulation, impact our immune system, blood pressure and circulation, leaving us feeling tired, sluggish and fatigued.
So, imagine what it would be like for each breath to be your fullest, healthiest and most nourishing breath, moment to moment!
It would feel great, Right? When we breathe better, we feel better
As a Physiotherapist with an MSc in Sports and Exercise therapy, I understand the physical value of optimal breathing. It was my own personal journey that highlighted how simply a better connection with our breathing can have profound healing on our mental and emotional wellbeing.
Helping to expand and utilise your full respiratory system, Breathwork helps to improve energy levels, through improved oxygenation, balancing the flow of energy to positively impact physical healing and repair. Further physical benefits include:
- Improved blood circulation
- Reduced blood pressure
- Elimination of toxins through lymphatic massage
- Improved Immune System
On an emotional level, Transformational Breath ® helps us to break free of the unhelpful conditioning from earlier years, that had led to cycles of unhelpful beliefs and behaviours.
This safe, simple and effective technique, allows past trauma, energetic blockages and unhelpful subconscious emotional patterns to be cleared and integrated permanently.
Once cleared, we can open ourselves up to more love, peace and joy in our lives, as we connect with our authentic self. Many also experience a spiritual connection with their higher self.
Changing your breathing, will literally change your life
Are there any risks or contraindications?
The better we breathe the better we feel.
Transformational Breath ® is a safe and effective breathing technique, accessible to ALL, however if you have any particular medical issues, it may be necessary to work on a 1:1 basis before taking part in a group session.
If you have any medical issues, we will encourage you to discuss these via email prior to the session or on arrival.
If you have asthma, please bring your inhaler to the session. If you have a diagnosis of epilepsy, heart conditions, uncontrolled blood pressure, glaucoma, detached retina please consult your GP before taking part. If you have or have had any psychological emergencies, bipolar, schizophrenia or untreated high levels of anxiety, please contact Steve before the signing up to the workshop. Consent in writing will be taken prior to the session.
Please feel free to get in touch in advance if there is anything else you would like to discuss.
Do I need to bring anything?
In line with recent health and safety protocols.
Please wear comfortable, loose clothes for the session and bring a yoga mat, blanket and your own water bottle.
Please refrain from alcohol or coffee 24 hours before a session and a heavy meal 2 hours prior to the session.
I look forward to breathing with you on the day..
For Bookings either get in touch directly [email protected] or click here..
Event Details
- Date: 26/06/2022
- Times: 12:30 - 15:00
- Location: Be Yoga, Haywards Heath, East Sussex. RH16 4DZ
- Duration: 2.5 Hours
Get in Touch
- Website: www.move-breathe.co.uk
- Telephone: 07743 782790
- Email: movebreathe@icloud.com