Transformational Breath® Introductory Workshop

Don't Miss The Most Important Lesson Of Your Life! Everything Begins & Ends With Your Breath.

Imagine what it would feel like to breathe in the most effective healing way for your body?

It would feel pretty fantastic, right?

That’s what we want to help you to do.

And breathing is something that you’ve been taking for granted — or that you’ve ignored or neglected.  

(Don’t worry we did too, and then we stumbled across this transformational self- healing tool).

And. yes, COVID reminds us daily that we need to be able to breathe to live.


Breath is life.  It begins — and ends life.

The search for peace ends right here…

With Your Breath

Collectively, we have the vision to help spread this tool to every single person on the planet.

And for that to happen we need people to continue having amazing breath experiences (which they do) and more time to grow.

Begin your Transformational Breath ® journey now. Because time is precious and your future self will thank you.

What’s this workshop about?

You will be introduced to the 4 basics of Transformational Breath,

You will create a deep awareness of your individual breath pattern.

Our expert team will facilitate you during this amazing workshop.

Helping you to reconnect — fully with your breath,

This is a chance to escape and experience something profound to relax — let go, and let the Big Breath experts take care of you for a couple of hours.

Before you worry that this will be hard work. Trust it’s easy peasey. You just need to show up, and lie down on a mat. Effortless!


The Institute of Complementary and Natural Medicine has announced that Transformational Breath® UK is the winner of its prestigious ‘Best Complementary Medicine Organisation’

Benefits include detoxification of the body; release of tension; relaxation of the mind/body; relief of pain; relieve of emotional pain; massages organs; increases muscles; strengthens the immune system; & improved mood & possibly a longer happier life.


How do I book and what is the cost?

We have early bird tickets available for £37.

Book Soon

Full price £47

Sarah has moved to Enfield Island Village and wants to share this tool with her local community in the village hall.  If affordability is an issue please contact her directly.


Event Details

  • Date: 11/12/2021
  • Times: 11:00 - 13:00
  • Location: Enfield Island Village Community Centre
  • Duration: 2 hours

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