Transformational Breath – Seminar Course Personal Journey (Levels 1,2,3) with The Big Breath Company
This could be the most powerful transformational and healing week of your life.
TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATH PERSONAL LEVEL Training Programs (Step 1 toward Certification & Professional Training)
These are 6-day non-residential programmes identical in content to the Seminar week and comprises of Levels I, II and III.
- Staffing: This personal training will be led by Senior Trainer Elif Clarke, supported by Co-Trainer Sarah Jons
The goal of these levels is to use the Breath to create powerful and permanent personal transformation in a relatively short period. These levels start the process of mastering one’s breath, understanding how it is directly connected to tapping into one’s life or life-force, and provide tools and instruction so one may continue self-sessions at home.
These 6 days are packed with numerous ways of working with Transformational Breath so that, post-programme, it becomes an important part of the participant’s life on a daily basis. There are two to three breath sessions each day.
Level Activities include:
- Exploring the diversity of full diaphragmatic breathing in varied ways such as Self Breathing, Seated Sessions, Third Eye, Throat, Warm Water Session, Mini-session, Spiritual Session, Brain Balancing, and Mirror Breathing
- Fountain of Youth 5 Tibetan Rites
- “The Work” Judgment Resolution Process
- Soul Dyadic Communication
- Work on the Inner Child
- And lots of fun and games
- Forgiveness Exercise
- Prosperity Program
- Sound Healing
- Breathing Analysis
- Body Mapping
- Pre- and post-session Transformational Coaching
Cost £1650 full inclusive of lunch in a beautiful large private house in North London.
Event Details
- Date: 01/05/2022
- Times: 09:30 - 18:00
- Location: 99 Truro Road 8DH
- Duration: 6 Days
Get in Touch
- Website: thebigbreathcompany.com/levels-iiiiii/
- Telephone: 07769111711
- Email: hello@thebigbreathcompany.com