Transformational Breath® – Seminar Course (Levels 1,2,3) led by Nathalie Montille, the most Senior Trainer in the UK
Use your own breath as a tool to set yourself free! Curious? Interested?
Does life seem too much? Do you feel overwhelmed by personal and current external circumstances? How would you like to reclaim your inner peace and your joy of being, even in the midst of current chaos – simply by reclaiming your breath? Too good, too simple to be true? Join us on this six-day seminar and find out how.
Led by Nathalie Montille, the most Senior Trainer in the UK with over 20 years’ experience of Transformational Breath®, this Seminar is the Transformational Breath Foundation Personal Development Training Programme offered in 3 parts over the course of six days. It is a deeply powerful, yet joyful transformative week, that has the potential to leave you in an unexpected state of peace.
The aim of this exciting and powerfully liberating programme is to train you to become a self-facilitator, and it is also the first step towards professional certification.
The programme is open to both beginners and experienced breathers alike.
On this empowering course, you will be guided to explore your breath, and discover your own breathing pattern and what it shows about how you live your life. Indeed, you will understand how this pattern reflects what is in your subconscious mind and reveals the way you embrace life.
You will learn to use your own breath to set yourself free from those hidden emotions that sabotage your life.
And finally, you will be guided to realise that, by surrendering to the flow of your breath, you allow this simple and powerful vehicle to open you to your own boundless Essence, to who you truly are.
Here are a few of the seminar activities offered during the week:
* Exploring the diversity of full diaphragmatic breathing:
* Conscious connected breathing
* 100 Breaths Exercise.
* Third Eye Breath Session.
* Underwater Breath Session (TBC)
* 8th through 12th Chakra Opening breath
* Brain Balancing Breath
* Mirror Breath
* Breath Analysis
* Body Mapping
* The Fountain of Youth 5 Tibetan Rites.
* “The Work” Judgment Resolution Process by Byron Katie.
* Dyadic Communication.
* Work on the Inner Child.
* Forgiveness Exercise.
* Prosperity Program.
* Sound Healing
* Lots of fun and games
This is your invitation to reclaim your breath and master your most powerful tool.
Investment: £1,695
(Please contact Nathalie Montille for more information)
Here are a couple of testimonials from previous participants:
“Dearest Nathalie,
This is what I appreciate about you:
Your ability to create a profoundly calm atmosphere which is a truly safe vessel for whatever needs to emerge. Your deep humanity and wisdom – your ability to speak to the material and the mystery. Your incredibly sensitive, intuitive and strong facilitation. I admire your ability to meet everything that comes with love and openness but also to know when to offer a direct challenge – but without the need to ‘be right’. I see you give your whole being to what you are engaged in, and you have inspired me to want to do the same.
Thank you!”
Nic M
“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. For me, this proverb summarises what Transformational Breath did. The seminar, and the incredible individuals I had the honour of sharing this experience with, changed my life and inspired a journey of a lifetime. I remain overwhelmed – in the most positive way – by the love and support you and the facilitators gave; you provided me the tools, time and space to start to think about where I may have split from my true self and what parts of me, I have given away in the process: painfully, but with hope, I was then able to think about whether I could get these back…”
AW, Senior Government Adviser, UK
Event Details
- Date: 07/07/2025
- Times: 09:00 - 18:30
- Location: Barnet, North London
- Duration: 6 days
Get in Touch
- Website:
- Telephone: 07500002003
- Email: thehoa@europe.com