Give me another chance!

TBF- UK’s official charity Tiba Africa Foundation has recently applied for a grant from the Elton John Aids Foundation (EJAF) for its ‘Give Me Another Chance’ project which works with people struggling with their AIDS/HIV diagnosis. Tiba is planning to work with 100 people over the next two years, introducing them to Transformational Breath and equipping them with practical, medical and self-help skills to transform their lives. The proposal also includes plans for ten “breath ambassadors” to support others in the community in similar positions and to help reduce the huge stigma and misinformation around AIDS and HIV in the poorest and most disadvantaged areas of Nairobi. Tiba is seeking a grant of £15,000 with a further 25% being raised by on-line donations via Global Giving. Watch this space! You can see here Give Me Another Chance members bagging up high-calorie nutritious porridge to ensure they have the minerals and vitamins they need to help raise their immune response.
Post date: 17 November 2017